
We must take two exams every term: The fisrt one with rephrasing activities, "word formation" exercises, grammar and vocabulary multiple choice test, exercises on the grammar explained in the course book and listening activities. (They should include grammar, vocabulary and listening skills): 13th Nov
The second one will follow the structure of a PAU exam with three questions to answer TRUE or FALSE giving the evidence from the text (3x0.75=2.25 points), answering  two questions about the text with your own words (2x1=2 points), looking for seven synonyms in the text (7x0.25=1.75 points) and a for-and-against writing activity of about 100-120 words (4 points)  It will  take place on 21st Nov. 

P.D.: Remember these two exams will be 70% of your mark. Daily work, class work, attitude, participation, etc... will make up the rest of your marks. 

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