miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2012


It's Christmas time again. By the way, speaking about this festival, here is a video clip about a very famous song which takes place at Christmas.  Have you ever watched it? It's from the old times when I used to go to discos and my hair had a completely different style (similar to some of the girls'). 

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2012


As every December and nearly as a pre-holiday tradition we are watching Love Actually again (despite my great technological skills).  I thought you would like to have a look at the trailer of the film.


Doesn't it seem familiar to you?


Have you ever thought about the variety of topics we are dealing with in class, ranging from Orzowei to Aspen and not forgetting moderm art such as Hopper's ? For those who haven't heard about him here you have some of his most famous paintings. And  just to be prepared, at the end of next unit you are supposed to create a story (and some of Hopper's pictures will be used to create a narrtative text) Start thinking about possible ideas .......